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Slowly Story

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I found out about the app in a mixup with a friend, where she tried to contact a friend but instead contacted me.

Her words were:
„Heyy, I’m the girl from Slowly.“ So I asked, what is Slowly? She explained, and instantly I was hooked. An app where you can meet people from throughout the world? And it sticks to traditional penpal standards, where you must wait for your letter? What an interesting concept.

So I waited, and not long after, I got my first letter (Besides my friend, of course. We still write to each other to this day). It was someone from Taiwan! Wow! I hadn’t expected someone from so far away. I’ve had great conversations with them, as well as so many other people from The Philippines, Indonesia, China, Poland, and a whole lot more.

This app has also helped me in psychological ways. I recently moved from one side of the United States to the other (CA to VA). It was amazing to have supportive friends to talk to during the move. I don’t feel so alone now.

To conclude, Slowly is a lifesaver. I don’t know where my mental health would be without it. Thank you to all my friends on the app, and to the creators of this genius masterpiece.

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