

Brieffreundschaften, die man nur bei Slowly finden kann

Jedes Mal, wenn ich ihr schreibe, fühlt es sich an, als würde ich mit jemandem sprechen, den ich mein ganzes Leben lang kenne.

My story through Slowly isn't a love story, at least not in a conventional way. It's more of a story about self-discovery.

Since I use it, I have been receiving beautiful, emotional letters from many parts of the world.

Ich glaube, ich habe mindestens 30 Menschen das türkische Wort 'Merhaba' beigebracht, es bedeutet Hallo.

Some people go to me to learn some French, and I teach them French with great pleasure!

We have what we were both looking for: an honest friendship, full of care, laughter and attention...


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