

Brieffreundschaften, die du nur auf Slowly findest

Imagine how amazed I am to know that I just passed my 5th anniversary here! "Staying slow for 5 years," the App says. SLOWLY, indeed...

We often exchange stories, about our fears and worries about life. I never hesitated to tell him anything.

SLOWLY hat mir geholfen, aus meinem Schneckenhaus herauszukommen und selbstbewusster zu werden, dass die Menschen schätzen, was ich sage.

As an Introvert, the most hardest thing to do is to make friends and this app definitely made it easier for me to communicate ...

A place that suits an introvert and shy like me

It's great to know that I have a friend on the other side of the world.

Briefe werden mit Seele geschrieben, weil man sich mit Ihnen austauschen möchte, und nicht nur über Alltägliches.

He was able to make me smile from a far country.

We talked to each other about everything, about our problems, our dreams, our day... everything, every day.

"There Are No Strangers Here; Only Friends You Haven't Yet Met." is such an exact quote for SLOWLY~

Before, I was a girl who didn’t have a lot of friends and was mostly an introvert. Nevertheless, after I joined Slowly, I have lots of fun that I hadn’t experienced before!

Bedeutungsvolle Gespräche, die sich um ein beliebiges Thema drehen, können ganz sicher zu persönlichem Wachstum und zur Entwicklung des Charakters führen...


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