Rozafa Castle

Rozafa Castle

Shkodër, Albania

Perched dramatically atop a hill, this ancient stronghold offers panoramic views of an enchanting landscape where two rivers converge. With walls that have stood resiliently since the Illyrians, its stones whisper tales of sieges and legends. Among them, the poignant story of a woman named Rozafa, whose sacrifice is said to hold the castle together. As you explore its labyrinthine passages and weather-beaten bastions, you might stumble upon remnants from its varied past, from Ottoman traces to Venetian relics, each adding layers of intrigue to the already rich tapestry of its history. Dive into the myths and marvel at its architectural prowess.
  • Albánia Kizárólagos
  • Első megjelenés 2023. febr. 21.
  • Bélyegsorozatok Várak Európában
Hol van?
2FWV+HCH, Rruga Rozafa, Shkodër, Albania
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