Ghent, Belgium
Nestled in the enchanting city of Ghent, the imposing Gravensteen Castle looms like a medieval sentinel guarding tales from the past. Constructed in 1180 by Count Philip of Alsace, this stone fortress once served as a stronghold, courtroom, and mint. Its crenellated towers and formidable keeps are reminiscent of epic sagas and legendary battles. Inside, you can explore dungeons and even see a guillotine from the days when the castle served as a court. Climb to the ramparts for a panoramic view of the city, and let your imagination transport you back to a time of knights and noble deeds.
- Belgia Eksklusif
- Rilis Pertama 13 Nov 2022
- Seri Perangko Kastil di Eropa
Di mana itu?
Sint-Veerleplein 11, 9000 Gent, Belgium