
Cerita-cerita Slowly

Persahabatan yang Hanya Bisa Ditemukan di Slowly

Saya bertemu 2 orang sahabat yang tak akan saya lupakan atau putus kontak.

They have helped me to understand about my own cultural identity โ€“ my way of thinking, my way of life. I am a third-generation Nikkei from Sรฃo Paulo.

Later on, I met three penpals who became very important in my life.

Awalnya, aku cemas dan gugup, tapi sekarang aku bersedia mempercayai pertemanan ini dengan sepenuh hati.

This girl two thousand kilometers away, who just wrote to me, a total stranger, here on Slowly, became such a big part of my everyday life.

This application helps to learn English and have friends from somewhere, teaches me to dare to think, communicate, socialize. besides this application teaches me to be patient.

In Russia it is so hard to find someone, who could understand you and you would talk freely, without any fears!

And I was able not only to befriend people from a different country than mine, which is Argentina, but also with some people who speak my same language, Spanish, and who are close to me, in near cities.

aku ingin berbagi sekilas tentang persahabatan baruku, berkat aplikasi yang luar biasa ini.

I never expected such lively and diverse conversations, which constantly break down stereotypes that I have about other countries.

Thinking about how we probably would never meet in any other occasions, if not for Slowly, makes me wonder how did fate set this up?

I took off my mask and for the first time I ever tried to be honest.


Mulai terhubung dengan dunia sekarang!

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