
Cerita-cerita Slowly

Persahabatan yang Hanya Bisa Anda Temukan di Slowly

While we often feel annoyed or anxious when people take forever to reply to our texts, on Slowly, taking forever is the point.

Letter to a Japanese Friend, Winter Solstice

As a teenager who has grown up in an age defined by technology and social media, I did not think I would like having to wait days for a single response.

Remembering a song by, maybe, the biggest singer from Argentina, Josรฉ Larralde, he said: "Iโ€™ve been through all the world, in the same place..."

I was so happy that I went around the house saying "I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM JAPAN"

Our letters are long, drawn out paragraphs, about everything...

Now I also have a big new dream to buy a ticket to South Korea and fly to Seoul to meet my awesome soulmate!

Tanpa mendapat pertanda apapun, saya tiba-tiba menemukan orang special yang menyenangkan hatiku dan membuatku tersenyum dan tertawa berkali-kali.

It's like finding Atlantis! I found a lot of nice people who share the same interests as I am.

That particular notification made him happy like nothing else in his gloomy days, even if it meant 19 painfully sweet hours of waiting.

Dia 60 tahun lebih tua dariku, namun kami masih bisa menemukan hal-hal yang bisa didiskusikan dan dibagikan.

Persahabatan kami akan segera genap setahun. Dan setiap hari aku terus mendapatkan teman baru!


Mulai terhubung dengan dunia sekarang!

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