Writing digital letters is definitely easier for a busy working adult like me.
Writing all these letters have helped me get through some really hard time.
Everyone is much older than me, but the lessons and the love that everyone leaves behind for this little girl are really a great happiness.
Surprisingly, had almost nothing in common with me, yet our letters were so long that it took us days to read and write an answer.
I will only tell people who are reading this story to never stop sending letters, you never know who is missing you.
Unlike my brief message, M wrote a long piece of letter, telling me about everything about her hometown, feeling curious about the island I’m from...
But quality takes time, so I would prefer to hear out a brutally honest person than sugarcoated conversations.
Just try your best to search for your "light" in the darkness. It will be worth it to fight for it- trust me!
It's more special than instant conversations. Whenever I feel bad, happy, or whatever, I write to them without hesitation.
When I want to learn more about a country, I simply send letters to people from there and ask anything I can think of.
今では状況が大きく変わりました。少なくとも、もうGoogle翻訳は私の友達ではありません xD