The feeling of excitement that rushes through my body when I see I'm gonna receive a letter is so bizarre.
С тем как становишься старше, всё сложнее знакомиться с новыми людьми и поддерживать настоящую, искреннюю дружбу.
Because of the restrictions and the DONTs my parents have set for me, I grew up to always desire friendship and love from others.
Slowly became that channel we needed to unfurl our deepest thoughts and emotions. And it worked like a charm for us.
Writing with full attention is almost forgotten, in a world of instant messaging...
Surprisingly, had almost nothing in common with me, yet our letters were so long that it took us days to read and write an answer.
I will only tell people who are reading this story to never stop sending letters, you never know who is missing you.