Slowly 스토리
슬로울리에서만 찾을 수 있는 펜팔 관계
모든 것은 "Saudações cara compatriota!" ("안녕, 동포님!")이라는 말로 시작되었는데 결국 총 103통의 편지를 주고받았습니다.
왜 "희망 없는 로맨티스트"라는 단어가 나에게 그렇게 강한 감정을 줄 수 있었는지 설명할 수는 없지만...
Fortunately, I got a chance to visit her place for my work. We met and clicked instantly.
편지가 사람들에게 특별한 마법을 가질 수 있다고 확신해요.
Slowly became that channel we needed to unfurl our deepest thoughts and emotions. And it worked like a charm for us.
50 Days, 99 Letters, A Story of How I Met My Lovely Girl
Thank you for promoting human interactions, thank you for exposing the world as a small place to us…
I uninstalled and reinstalled the app about four time until I made my mind to stick to it and really try it out.
Our story is started by a common topic preference of "deaf".
Thanks for leading me to the other end of my red strings, Slowly.
I received a letter, from Syria, not knowing then how much it would change my life the following year.
Today is the first day we meet and my heart is literally flying.