Estória Slowly


🇺🇸 United States

I will try not to rush this time, making time for myself.

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🇩🇪 Germany

All of us have had different experiences that we grew on or made us question our existence.

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🇮🇳 India

It's my story, the story of understanding myself and accepting myself.

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🇸🇪 Sweden

I feel free, comfortable and confident. That rarely happens in real life when I'm talking to someone.

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🇰🇷 대한민국

생전 만나 보지도 못한 사람과 소통하는 일은 때론 낯설기도, 즐겁기도 합니다...

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🇰🇷 대한민국

난 20살 때, 군입대 직전부터 편지를 쓰기 시작했다...

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princess blueberry

🇲🇾 Malaysia

My friends and teachers call me an alien, because I like to do some crazy and weird things in school.

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🇺🇸 Estados Unidos

Elas me ouviram, elas me tranquilizavam e eu sabia que mais cedo ou mais tarde tudo ia ficar bem.

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🇬🇧 United Kingdom

Even though our cultural backgrounds and lifestyles were completely different, we were deeply connected.

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🇧🇷 Brasil

Escrever cartas digitais é definitivamente mais fácil para um adulto ocupado que trabalha como eu...

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🇰🇷 대한민국

친구들은 제게 편지를 보내주고 때로는 사진과 함께 그 나라의 날씨와 자신의 하루를 이야기해 줘요.

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🇲🇾 Malaysia

Before using this app , honestly I don't know how to write a long letter...

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