Estória Slowly


🇩🇪 Germany

Next month we’ll finally overcome the 320 km that stand between us and we’ll finally meet each other.

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Mate de caldén

🇦🇷 Argentina

Remembering a song by, maybe, the biggest singer from Argentina, José Larralde, he said: "I’ve been through all the world, in the same place..."

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

And since that, we never contacted each other because he doesn't want to give me a false hope.

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Curious chessy

🇮🇳 India

I love the idea of this app and its creation is commendable.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

I used all my luck in it, I guess. I've met an amazing person. While reading his letters, I feel like with him in Spain.

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🇱🇻 Latvia

Now I also have a big new dream to buy a ticket to South Korea and fly to Seoul to meet my awesome soulmate!

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🇨🇱 Chile

Each letter were songs, stories, interesting questions and interesting nicknames developed into a beautiful friendship.

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

It's like finding Atlantis! I found a lot of nice people who share the same interests as I am.

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🇫🇷 França

Ela pegou um avião e dirigiu 200 km de carro para me ver ... eu? Apenas eu?

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AniMax & Elif.Murphy

🇺🇸 Estados Unidos & 🇮🇷 Irã

Meu coração derreteu quando ouviu a sua doce e suave voz falando adoráveis ​​palavras persas para mim.

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The Rtist

🇮🇳 Índia

Ele é 60 anos mais velho que eu, e mesmo assim nós ainda encontramos coisas que concordamos e compartilhamos.

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🇰🇼 Kuwait

They listened to me and helped me and comforting me when i was sad.

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