Estória Slowly


🇺🇸 United States

Because of them, my goal is to help people. My dream came true. I get inspired by them, as they get inspired by me.

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🇨🇦 Canada

Letter to a Japanese Friend, Winter Solstice

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🇷🇺 Russia

I can be heard by whole the world. We all can be heard and listen to each other.

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🇩🇪 Germany

Next month we’ll finally overcome the 320 km that stand between us and we’ll finally meet each other.

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🇪🇸 Spain

He came to my city and we met and spent one of the best weeks in my life. He became one of my best friends.

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Curious chessy

🇮🇳 India

I love the idea of this app and its creation is commendable.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

I was so happy that I went around the house saying "I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM JAPAN"

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🇧🇷 Brasil

Nossas cartas são longas, escritas em parágrafos, sobre todas as coisas...

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🇹🇷 Turkey

I used all my luck in it, I guess. I've met an amazing person. While reading his letters, I feel like with him in Spain.

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🇮🇳 India

Till now we haven't exchanged numbers or want to connect on some other apps. Honestly we are happy writing letters to each other and not planning to change that.

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🇨🇱 Chile

Each letter were songs, stories, interesting questions and interesting nicknames developed into a beautiful friendship.

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🇧🇷 Brasil

Sem nenhuma pretensão, de repente encontrei pessoas especiais, que alegram meu coração, me fazem dar muitos sorrisos, e também risadas.

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