
Historie Slowly

Przyjaźnie, które znajdziesz tylko na Slowly

Gdy tkwiłam w korku stworzonym z natłoku wiadomości błyskawicznych, SLOWLY wyraźnie pokazało mi zupełnie nowy, żywy wymiar nawiązywania kontaktów z ludźmi.

Wtedy zdałam sobie sprawę,dlaczego ludzie używają tej aplikacji. To czekanie sprawiło, że było warto.

It feels like getting a real letter, even though it's on a phone.

Simply put, it is like a library where I can read the whole world.

Sometimes, the best advice comes from a stranger.

And to finish this letter, I propose a heartfelt toast to the health of the entire Slowly Community!!!!

We grew up in a digital world so to speak. But I always feel like I was born in the wrong era!

Instead of just writing as a story, we made it look like an interview in a reality show. Hope you like it!

Unforeseen encounter in the midst of a global pandemic: A story on how I met my best friend twice.

We talked as easily in real life as we did in the app, wandered around the mall and ate dessert at Dippin’ Dots...

He lives just 10 minutes from my apartment! Can you believe it?! I have never meet him...

It left me feeling so uninspired to reach out to anyone else, until – Just when I least expected it, I had an incoming letter from Iran.


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