Historie Slowly


🇧🇷 Brazil

I was so happy that I went around the house saying "I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM JAPAN"

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🇩🇪 Germany

I remember back in 80's I used to write real mail made out of paper & pen with stamps and such.

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🇹🇷 Turkey

I used all my luck in it, I guess. I've met an amazing person. While reading his letters, I feel like with him in Spain.

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🇮🇳 India

Till now we haven't exchanged numbers or want to connect on some other apps. Honestly we are happy writing letters to each other and not planning to change that.

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🇱🇻 Łotwa

Teraz mam nowe wielkie marzenie - kupić bilet i polecieć do Seulu by poznać moją cudowną bratnią duszę!

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🇨🇱 Chile

Each letter were songs, stories, interesting questions and interesting nicknames developed into a beautiful friendship.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

With no pretense, I suddenly found special people who cheer up my heart and make smile and laugh many times.

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🇩🇰 Denmark

But here, I can get a new friend everyday.

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🇫🇷 Francja

Wzięła samolot oraz przejechała 200 km samochodem, żeby zobaczyć… mnie? Tylko… mnie?

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AniMax & Elif.Murphy

🇺🇸 Stany Zjednoczone & 🇮🇷 Iran

Kiedy słuchałem jej słodkiego, miękkiego głosu, wypowiadającego do mnie piękne Perskie słowa z całego świata, roztopiło mi to serce.

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🇳🇱 Netherlands

I do really feel like I am in touch again with the world, thanks to all the great conversations I'm having now with such sweet people.

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The Rtist

🇮🇳 India

He is 60 years older than me, and yet we can still find things to agree upon and share.

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