Historie Slowly
Znajomości korespondencyjne, które można znaleźć tylko w Slowly
Slowly made me realize how beautiful this world is and how many lovely people are waiting to be discovered!
Mówili o świecie nieznanym dla mnie, ale dali mi klucz i pokazali go.
Slowly taught me the most important lesson of treasuring people in your life. Never take them for granted.
Często wymieniamy się historiami o naszych lękach i zmartwieniach dotyczących życia. Nigdy nie wahałam się, żeby mu cokolwiek powiedzieć.
Gil bardzo się starał, poświęcał dużo czasu pomimo pracy i prowadził nas również w swoim rodzinnym mieście Querétaro do wielu pięknych miejsc, do których pewnie nigdy byśmy nie dotarli bez niego.
Czuliśmy jakbyśmy byli w tym samym pokoju, mimo że dzieliło nas prawie tysiąc kilometrów ...
I am ever so blessed for my Slowly penpals that have warmed my heart and stopped me from feeling alone.
My past me probably wouldn't believe that I can now talk to people with ease and not feel overwhelmed all the time...
I fell like I'm becoming a better person by exchanging letters with him, asking about each other's strengths, and caring for each other.
Slowly has helped me come out of my shell and become more confident that people will appreciate what I say.
As an Introvert, the most hardest thing to do is to make friends and this app definitely made it easier for me to communicate...
Essa jornada me levou a uma viagem musical e cultural, na qual descobri o quão maravilhoso é conectar-se com pessoas a milhares de quilômetros de distância.