Historie Slowly
Znajomości korespondencyjne, które można znaleźć tylko w Slowly
Jest ode mnie o 60 lat starszy, a mimo to wciąż możemy znaleźć wspólne tematy i dzielić się nimi.
I will return to my home town soon but Slowly will continue close to me.
Tak jak inne obywatelki krajów trzeciego świata, byłam traktowana, jakbym popełniła jakiś haniebny czyn.
We stayed few days together in Zagreb, discovering the city, sharing experiences and adventures...
Some people go to me to learn some French, and I teach them French with great pleasure!
I even woke up as early as 5am in the morning, to reply his letter, so that we could utilize every hour of the day, and make 2 cycles within the 24 hours!
I have made two best friends that I will never forget nor lose contact with.
They have helped me to understand about my own cultural identity – my way of thinking, my way of life. I am a third-generation Nikkei from São Paulo.
I’ve been using Slowly since October 2018, when preparing a post-graduation course applying New Technologies to English Language Teaching.
A wonderful soul named Loay, a person who later became my soul mate and the source of my happiness.
You can think that we're talking around 2~3 years of friendship. Okay, it's only a month and ~100 letters exchanged...
If someone had told me one year ago my soul mate is an Italian boy I'll meet on Slowly, we'll exchange letters, then meet and fall in love, I would never believe...