
Historie Slowly

Przyjaźnie, które znajdziesz tylko na Slowly

I opened it and found Alexandru's last letter with worrying about my current situation and how I had been.

We are celebrating our one year of friendship!

Mimo, że on jest pół świata dalej, czuję, że jest mi bliższy, niż większość ludzi.

An ear is what we all truly want and SLOWLY has provided such a great platform.

Dlaczego miałabym to robić, skoro komunikatory umożliwiają natychmiastowe wysłanie odpowiedzi.

I can be heard by whole the world. We all can be heard and listen to each other.

Each letter were songs, stories, interesting questions and interesting nicknames developed into a beautiful friendship.

I do really feel like I am in touch again with the world, thanks to all the great conversations I'm having now with such sweet people.

Słuchali mnie, pomagali mi i pocieszali mnie kiedy było mi smutno!

Slowly became a magical place to me at internet.

Without realizing, I got the “Serious writer” stamp for achieving 100 sent out letters...

I didn't think that i will connect people all around the world without judging people by appearances...


Zacznij łączyć się ze światem już teraz!

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