
Истории Slowly

Дружба, которую можно найти только в Slowly

He lives just 10 minutes from my apartment! Can you believe it?! I have never meet him...

It left me feeling so uninspired to reach out to anyone else, until – Just when I least expected it, I had an incoming letter from Iran.

Bugün buluştuk, bu yıl içerisinde geçirdiğim sayılı güzel günlerden birini yaşadım.

We exchanged a few handwritten letters (until mine was lost in the mail), met a few times to work together in a café or walk along the Seine.

I am feeling emotions I haven't experienced in a long time. We share things we love and try to appreciate the things we don't.

저는 참을성이 없는 사람이라고 말했는데, SLOWLY 덕분에 인내심 갖고 기다리는 법을 배웠어요.

açıkcası 20 gün kapalı kaldıktan sonra bütün ilgi alanlarımı tüketmiş durumdayım.

Earth can be a scary, chaotic place, but it feels more like home when you know there are people thousands of miles away who are willing to face the challenges here with you.

I still kept him around in my friend list because this is one of my favorite encounters in this app.

Я влюбился в её письма еще до того, как узнал её настоящее имя, до того, как увидел её лицо или фотографию. Через её письма я увидел то, что важно: её душу

Bu seviyeli konuşma ise kaliteli dostlukları getiriyor...

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone...