
Истории Slowly

Дружба, которую можно найти только в Slowly

Thanks to Slowly I have become a more patient person.

Slowly gave me hope, captured in a letter.

I am feeling emotions I haven't experienced in a long time. We share things we love and try to appreciate the things we don't.

Earth can be a scary, chaotic place, but it feels more like home when you know there are people thousands of miles away who are willing to face the challenges here with you.

Она как будто проснулась после мучительного кошмара недопонимания и обиды. Она начала узнавать себя в других, заново понимать свои и чужие эмоции

I still kept him around in my friend list because this is one of my favorite encounters in this app.

Я влюбился в её письма еще до того, как узнал её настоящее имя, до того, как увидел её лицо или фотографию. Через её письма я увидел то, что важно: её душу

Describir Slowly es como tratar de describir a las personas que eh conocido, interesantes, intrigantes...

My Asian friends gave me a vision of their country that I certainly wouldn't have given a “google”… My friends from Egypt made me...

You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone...

I've never had an easy time making friends, feeling much more comfortable talking through the computer screen or cell phone.

This time, it was to a person living in the same country.