Истории Slowly
Дружба, которую можно найти только в Slowly
...я могу посещать потрясающие места и разговаривать с людьми, не покидая свою комнату.
While I was feeling stuck on the traffic of instant messages, SLOWLY showed me clearly another vibrant dimension of networking with people.
Simply put, it is like a library where I can read the whole world.
And to finish this letter, I propose a heartfelt toast to the health of the entire Slowly Community!!!!
We grew up in a digital world so to speak. But I always feel like I was born in the wrong era!
Instead of just writing as a story, we made it look like an interview in a reality show. Hope you like it!
It left me feeling so uninspired to reach out to anyone else, until – Just when I least expected it, I had an incoming letter from Iran.
Last chapter: A transnational friendship
My Asian friends gave me a vision of their country that I certainly wouldn't have given a “google”… My friends from Egypt made me...
I've never had an easy time making friends, feeling much more comfortable talking through the computer screen or cell phone.
Использование технологий для такой прекрасной вещи — это фантастическая идея!
I can discuss Sheakespeare with a British, Volteire with French, Mauppassant…