
Истории Slowly

Дружба, которую можно найти только в Slowly

The close friends that i have met can only be given one word , "family"

Someday, everything will just turn to memories and it can either bring tears or smiles to our faces.

Вы не одни, потому что все мы связаны.

Slowly became a safe and warm space for me, where I left my heart and feelings in the letters and received those of other people in the same way.

К сожалению, я перестала отвечать на её письма, прежде чем попрощаться с обещанием вернуться и показать ей усовершенствованную версию себя.

It seems that it helped me get better. What is sure is that I've fought back my fears.

You do not have to be worried about being judged or misinterpreted at all. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting.

Slowly gave me hope, captured in a letter.

Она как будто проснулась после мучительного кошмара недопонимания и обиды. Она начала узнавать себя в других, заново понимать свои и чужие эмоции

He introduced me to Slowly and told me if you're afraid to say things to your family, you should probably be fine to talk about it to a stranger.

I opened it and found Alexandru's last letter with worrying about my current situation and how I had been.

Just as I made sending letters through Slowly a fundamental part of my routine, I also learned to listen to my penpals.