Истории Slowly
Дружба, которую вы можете найти только на Slowly
The close friends that i have met can only be given one word , "family"
She struck a chord within my soul and right now she is a very important friend here on Slowly...
Мы часто обмениваемся историями о наших страхах и беспокойствах в жизни. Я никогда не колебалась, чтобы ему что-то сказать.
As an Introvert, the most hardest thing to do is to make friends and this app definitely made it easier for me to communicate...
I found people who are changing the way I see the world with their words, making me travel without leaving my place...
This unique platform transcends borders and language barriers, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together...
Get to know new cultures and mindsets and be aware that you can change lives with your words.
Growing up, I've always felt "out of place" because of society's labelling and stereotypes.
Я ощущаю себя свободным и уверенным в себе человеком. Когда я общаюсь с кем-либо в реальной жизни, я испытываю противоположные чувства.
все мы хотим найти кого-то, с кем можно поговорить. При этом мы хотим быть самыми настоящими версиями самих себя.
Making connections with people has always been hard for me...
I was astounded just to read about life in a different country or even continent! So many different customs, so many different ways of thinking...