

🇺🇸 United States

I’ve only used Slowly for a few months now, and I can’t stop recommending it.

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🇷🇴 Romania

I have fallen for her letters before even knowing her real name, or before seeing her face, a picture, through her letters I had seen what matters: her soul.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

I didn't know I was about to meet someone new to talk on a deeper level about everything.

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🇬🇧 United Kingdom

Why would I want to do that, when I have instant messaging? When there are much faster, quicker ways to contact people than wait hours?

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🇱🇻 Latvia

Now I also have a big new dream to buy a ticket to South Korea and fly to Seoul to meet my awesome soulmate!

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🇺🇸 United States

Safety first because this is going to be the one reason why you download Slowly.

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🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia

When I was young, I was diagnosed with Autism. This made my mother (and eventually me when i got older) extremely sad...

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