Slowly історії
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For the first time I didn't feel alone, even though I was alone at home.
I’ve become more confident when writing in English, that’s actually one of the reasons I downloaded Slowly...
Найпростіша людина в свідомості має найскладніші особистості, коли ви їх знаєте.
Maria’s letters and passion have then sparked my interest in baking recipes and ignited my passion for baking.
Although I am an introvert, being alone all the time was very hard.
This story started with me who didn't know what to do because I couldn't sleep that night...
Running into such a similar yet interesting soul does not happen everyday...
Дякуючи чудовим людям, яких я зустрів тут, я створив плейлисти на Spotify з піснями з понад 100 різних країн.
Je crois que l’amitié est la plus belle chose qui puisse exister en ce monde. Tout le monde a besoin d’amis.
I felt incredibly lonely, and that's when Slowly stepped in.
I loved 'talking' to Nick because I can write whatever I want without feeling pressured.
I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.