
Slowly історії

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And life has changed: travelling on the train becomes my privileged "writing room".

Він познайомив мене зі Slowly та сказав мені, що якщо ти боїшся говорити щось своїй сім’ї, тобі, ймовірно, краще поговорити про це з незнайомцем.

I didn't know I was about to meet someone new to talk on a deeper level about everything.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the app about four time until I made my mind to stick to it and really try it out.

Святкуємо рік нашої дружби!

Pero no había sentido esa sed de manejar con placer las palabras hasta que descubrí lo inmenso de tener amigos por correspondencia.

Between he and I wrote, from letter by letter, a new type of relationship. A type of chimera made out of admiration and infinite attraction polarities.

Like many other users of Slowly, I'm sure, I have always longed to make deeper connections with people.

Our story is started by a common topic preference of "deaf".

It was about assimilating events and the consequent transformations in my life.

He’s halfway across the world and I feel closer to him than most people.

It’s like an introvert’s habitat, with just the right number of extroverts in it.