Slowly історії
Дружба, яку можливо знайти лише на Slowly
Дякуючи чудовим людям, яких я зустрів тут, я створив плейлисти на Spotify з піснями з понад 100 різних країн.
When someone replied, I could always tell they were happy I wrote them a letter.
I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.
It was then that I realised why people used this app. It was the wait that made it worth it.
Ми спілкувалися в реальному житті так само легко, як і в додатку, гуляли торговим центром і їли десерт у Dippin’ Dots...
Thanks to Slowly I have become a more patient person.
Звичайно, соціофобія нікуди не зникла, але стало легше жити з нею.
I still kept him around in my friend list because this is one of my favorite encounters in this app.
Я закохався в її листи, навіть не знаючи її справжнього імені або не побачивши її обличчя; через її листи я побачив те, що дійсно важливо: її душу.
I've never had an easy time making friends, feeling much more comfortable talking through the computer screen or cell phone.
I am proud to say that my Mandarin has definitely improved, and I have been able to talk with teenagers from Senegal to Switzerland and Hong Kong.
With no pretense, I suddenly found special people who cheer up my heart and make smile and laugh many times.