
Slowly історії

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There are now contacts I write once a week, some that vanish again and most important are the 2 or 3 persons I really feel connected to.

Although I am an introvert, being alone all the time was very hard.

Ho visitato Paesi e civiltà senza muovermi dalla mia camera, tramite le loro descrizioni.

Enjoy Slowly and seize the day. Nothing is forever. If you think this is pessimistic, just consider the opposite interpretation: bad moments have an end as well.

Дякуючи чудовим людям, яких я зустрів тут, я створив плейлисти на Spotify з піснями з понад 100 різних країн.

I felt incredibly lonely, and that's when Slowly stepped in.

I couldn’t imagine if the letters could do so much.

I have recommended Slowly to all my friends, I keep sharing wonderful testimonies of this great app.

Це була неначе подорож пізнання себе через пізнання інших.

I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.

It feels like getting a real letter, even though it's on a phone.

Ми спілкувалися в реальному житті так само легко, як і в додатку, гуляли торговим центром і їли десерт у Dippin’ Dots...