
Slowly історії

Дружба, яку можливо знайти лише на Slowly

I've read all our letters again and again several times but every time they gave me the same kind of happiness.

I’ve become more confident when writing in English, that’s actually one of the reasons I downloaded Slowly...

Although I am an introvert, being alone all the time was very hard.

Дякуючи чудовим людям, яких я зустрів тут, я створив плейлисти на Spotify з піснями з понад 100 різних країн.

Slowly me ha ayudado a darle sentido a mi apodo.

There was nobody in my life whom I can share my deepest feeling and not being judged.

He conocido a alguien que se ha vuelto parte de mi vida.

When someone replied, I could always tell they were happy I wrote them a letter.

I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.

Ми спілкувалися в реальному житті так само легко, як і в додатку, гуляли торговим центром і їли десерт у Dippin’ Dots...

Thank you for promoting human interactions, thank you for exposing the world as a small place to us…

Звичайно, соціофобія нікуди не зникла, але стало легше жити з нею.