
Slowly історії

Дружба, яку можливо знайти лише на Slowly

I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.

Ми спілкувалися в реальному житті так само легко, як і в додатку, гуляли торговим центром і їли десерт у Dippin’ Dots...

Thank you for promoting human interactions, thank you for exposing the world as a small place to us…

Звичайно, соціофобія нікуди не зникла, але стало легше жити з нею.

Я закохався в її листи, навіть не знаючи її справжнього імені або не побачивши її обличчя; через її листи я побачив те, що дійсно важливо: її душу.

Using technology for such a beautiful thing is something fantastic.

Like many other users of Slowly, I'm sure, I have always longed to make deeper connections with people.

He’s halfway across the world and I feel closer to him than most people.

It was so fascinating to hear about the differences between the culture and structure of our lives.

While we often feel annoyed or anxious when people take forever to reply to our texts, on Slowly, taking forever is the point.

Why would I want to do that, when I have instant messaging? When there are much faster, quicker ways to contact people than wait hours?

I can be heard by whole the world. We all can be heard and listen to each other.