
Slowly історії

Дружба, яку можливо знайти лише на Slowly

Nothing is off the limits with Slowly. There is a plethora of topics I can discuss here without people judging me.

I will only tell people who are reading this story to never stop sending letters, you never know who is missing you.

Коли я хочу дізнатися більше про країну, я просто надсилаю листи людям звідти і запитую все, що мені спадає на думку.

I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.

Поки я відчувала, що застрягла в потоці миттєвих повідомлень, SLOWLY чітко показав мені ще один яскравий вимір спілкування з людьми.

Simply put, it is like a library where I can read the whole world.

And to finish this letter, I propose a heartfelt toast to the health of the entire Slowly Community!!!!

We grew up in a digital world so to speak. But I always feel like I was born in the wrong era!

Instead of just writing as a story, we made it look like an interview in a reality show. Hope you like it!

It left me feeling so uninspired to reach out to anyone else, until – Just when I least expected it, I had an incoming letter from Iran.

Last chapter: A transnational friendship

I've never had an easy time making friends, feeling much more comfortable talking through the computer screen or cell phone.