
Slowly історії

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Its features were all perfect for an introvert like me.

широкий спектр причин, чому люди повинні бути тут.

Meaningful conversations revolving around any topic can most certainly lead to personal growth and character development...

The expression of beauty and everything about beauty no longer requires any modification. They are all pompous.

її «магічна сила» створювати значущі та тривалі зв’язки залежить від нашої взаємної готовності відкрито ділитися та спілкуватися один з одним, а також нашої взаємної готовності поважати і цінувати унікальність один одного.

It was on a stormy and rainy night. Some thunder was to hear every now and then.

Maria’s letters and passion have then sparked my interest in baking recipes and ignited my passion for baking.

I was recently diagnosed with high functioning autism. I am bad at communication and will sometimes say things backwards.

There are days when his letters are the only reason I smile, we happen to share our stories that not a lot of people are aware of.