
Slowly історії

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Almost 3 years ago I was lucky to meet one wonderful person from Brazil.

This month I sent for the first time a real letter to one of my best meeting here, my friend Aya from Egypt.

I’ve been told fascinating stories, received adorable doggy pics and beautiful pictures of landscapes...

Since then, we wrote a lot of letters in Bahasa Indonesia which is even longer and to this day we still send letters to each other.

Running into such a similar yet interesting soul does not happen everyday...

Re-joining Slowly was one of the best things I could've done, both for my mental health and for my social life.

It was just a bizarre experience of telling a stranger about my own strange life, but they were willing to listen.

The initial idea was to practice English ...

I can discuss Sheakespeare with a British, Volteire with French, Mauppassant…

As a teenager who has grown up in an age defined by technology and social media, I did not think I would like having to wait days for a single response.

Мабуть, я використала у цьому всю свою удачу. Я зустріла дивовижну людину. Читаючи його листи, я почуваюся, ніби я з ним поряд в Іспанії.

Our friendship will be more than a year soon. And every single day I keep going to have new friends!