Slowly історії
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Кожного разу, коли я їй пишу, відчуваю, ніби розмовляю з кимось, кого знаю все своє життя.
Ми вважаємо себе однаковими. Вона каже, що ми – картопля, розрізана навпіл.
Алекс прийняла кожну частинку мене з розкритими обіймами. Її слова підтримували мене у найтемніші дні мого життя.
I can describe it as a meditative experience: I feel fully present in the moment and I forget about the world as I keep typing.
My past me probably wouldn't believe that I can now talk to people with ease and not feel overwhelmed all the time...
Я відчуваю себе як старий друг, який скучив за іншим, і, нарешті, ми возз'єдналися після довгого часу розлуки.
My life started changing after that point and now she is to become my wife.
Why do people nowadays keep sending letters?
In my childhood, I remember I read a book where that guy used to have a pen friend, whom he never met in his lifetime.
It's more special than instant conversations. Whenever I feel bad, happy, or whatever, I write to them without hesitation.
Running into such a similar yet interesting soul does not happen everyday...
There was nobody in my life whom I can share my deepest feeling and not being judged.