
Slowly історії

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SLOWLY має такі ж терапевтичні переваги для мене, але без тривожної необхідності миттєво реагувати чи не відставати від того, що роблять інші ...

I will try not to rush this time, making time for myself.

У кожного з нас був різний досвід, на якому ми виросли або змусили поставити під сумнів своє існування.

Хронічна хвороба може змусити людей почуватися самотніми, але онлайн-спільноти повідомляють нам, що комусь це не байдуже.

They listen to me vent, they reassure me and I know that eventually everything will be okay.

As an Australian living in China, there are periods of time where loneliness and isolation can overwhelm you.

But quality takes time, so I would prefer to hear out a brutally honest person than sugarcoated conversations.

When someone replied, I could always tell they were happy I wrote them a letter.

I can visit amazing places and talk to people without having to leave my room.

If you want an escape from life, if you feel yourself growing frustrated with ordinary social media apps… Try taking things Slowly.

Why would I want to do that, when I have instant messaging? When there are much faster, quicker ways to contact people than wait hours?

My life is no longer a monotone & is actually a true Opera house...