
Slowly історії

Дружба, яку можливо знайти лише на Slowly

I can describe it as a meditative experience: I feel fully present in the moment and I forget about the world as I keep typing.

I am ever so blessed for my Slowly penpals that have warmed my heart and stopped me from feeling alone.

After only a short period of time, I soon realized I wasn’t all that different in this world.

широкий спектр причин, чому люди повинні бути тут.

Як журналіст, я люблю дізнаватися більше про людей і те, як вони переживають життя. Однак Slowly дозволив мені піти далі, ніж я очікував.

I've experienced the most tiring struggle to socialize. The era of the internet doesn't guarantee interconnections, especially in most social media I use.

He lives just 10 minutes from my apartment! Can you believe it?! I have never meet him...

If you want an escape from life, if you feel yourself growing frustrated with ordinary social media apps… Try taking things Slowly.

Він на 60 років старший за мене, і все ж ми можемо знайти речі, з якими можемо погодитися і поділитися.

It both helps me improve my language skills and the communication skills that I lack in real life.

Getting a digital letter feels like Christmas. Especially when the opposite pours their hearts content, while putting in effort to learn and understand you as well.

Safety first because this is going to be the one reason why you download Slowly.