
Slowly історії

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I related so much since I just had a "what if" moment then and was feeling rather melancholic.

Safety first because this is going to be the one reason why you download Slowly.

Thinking about how we probably would never meet in any other occasions, if not for Slowly, makes me wonder how did fate set this up?

Politically there are no good relations but through Slowly I made some Indian friends. I am glad to have such a deep conversation with them.

You can think that we're talking around 2~3 years of friendship. Okay, it's only a month and ~100 letters exchanged...

All Hail SLOWLY - Without you people none of this would have happened.

Кожного разу, коли вона казала, що не може уявити, що одного разу прокинеться й не побачить, що від мене приходить лист, вона засмучуватиметься через це

Our friendship travelled from “Warm Regards” to “Tons of Love”...

I think one day both of us will be Hemingway and sit on the same bus without recognising each other.

At last, I found her. I waved at her through the window, our first meeting. We just stared each other for sometime and then I left...

No she’s not my significant other, she’s not my best friend either. But she’s extremely special...

Whatever we talk about, whatever we do or see we find each other in it. I’ve connected with this woman on so many levels...