Příběhy Slowly
Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly
Politically there are no good relations but through Slowly I made some Indian friends. I am glad to have such a deep conversation with them.
A wonderful soul named Loay, a person who later became my soul mate and the source of my happiness.
All Hail SLOWLY - Without you people none of this would have happened.
I've found so many close and fantastic friendships here that trying to narrow it down to just one was impossible...
She is 7 years-old younger than me, we started to connect through Slowly sharing our habits & thoughts ‘in almost 100%’ in common.
Kdyby mi někdo před rokem řekl, že moje spřízněná duše je Ital, kterého potkám na Slowly, nikdy bych mu nevěřila.
Since a year ago, I felt very sad and was in a stage of deep melancholy. Prayed every day to receive an angel in my life, although my angel didn't appear physically to greet me, came through a letter...
Our friendship travelled from “Warm Regards” to “Tons of Love”...
I think one day both of us will be Hemingway and sit on the same bus without recognising each other.
Když jsem byl malý, byl mi diagnostikován autismus. Díky tomu byla moje matka (a nakonec i já, když jsem byl starší) nesmírně smutná.
Slowly is like a gift, it makes you see things 'Slowly' as the app itself is named, and it makes you appreciate every letter, every word...
At last, I found her. I waved at her through the window, our first meeting. We just stared each other for sometime and then I left...