
Příběhy Slowly

Přátelství, která najdete pouze na Slowly

We have what we were both looking for: an honest friendship, full of care, laughter and attention...

kdy jsem se probouzela už v 5 hodin ráno, abych odpověděla na jeho dopis, abychom mohli využít každou hodinu dne a abychom stihli poslat dva dopisy během 24 hodin!


I related so much since I just had a "what if" moment then and was feeling rather melancholic.

Safety first because this is going to be the one reason why you download Slowly.

Našla jsem dva nejlepší kamarády, na které nikdy nezapomenu, i kdybych s nimi ztratila kontakt.

Ale taky mi pomohli porozumět mé vlastní kulturní identitě – mém směru přemýšlení, mém směru života.

Later on, I met three penpals who became very important in my life.

I was anxious and nervous in the beginning, but now I am willing to trust this friendship with all of my heart.

This girl two thousand kilometers away, who just wrote to me, a total stranger, here on Slowly, became such a big part of my everyday life.

This application helps to learn English and have friends from somewhere, teaches me to dare to think, communicate, socialize. besides this application teaches me to be patient.

In Russia it is so hard to find someone, who could understand you and you would talk freely, without any fears!


Začněte se spojovat s celým světem teď hned!

4.7   8M+

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