Příběhy Slowly
Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly
Oslavujeme jeden rok našeho přátelství!
I když žije na druhé straně světa, cítím, že k němu mám blíž než většina lidí.
An ear is what we all truly want and SLOWLY has provided such a great platform.
Why would I want to do that, when I have instant messaging? When there are much faster, quicker ways to contact people than wait hours?
slyším celý svět. Všichni jsme slyšet a posloucháme jeden druhého.
Each letter were songs, stories, interesting questions and interesting nicknames developed into a beautiful friendship.
...a skutečně cítím že jsem zase ve spojení se světem, to vše díky skvělým konverzacím které mám s tolika milými lidmi.
They listened to me and helped me and comforting me when i was sad.
Slowly became a magical place to me at internet.
Without realizing, I got the “Serious writer” stamp for achieving 100 sent out letters...
I didn't think that i will connect people all around the world without judging people by appearances...
I didn't expect that anyone will ever talk to me like my first pen pal wrote me.