
Příběhy Slowly

Přátelství, která najdete pouze na Slowly

Writing long and meaningful letters to my pen pals continues to fill my heart with inexplicable joy.

Rozhodl jsem se být milý – a myslím, že všichni bychom měli.

Through the app I met my best friend and I love her more than the distance that separates us.

The feeling of excitement that rushes through my body when I see I'm gonna receive a letter is so bizarre.

Before, I was a girl who didn’t have a lot of friends and was mostly an introvert. Nevertheless, after I joined Slowly, I have lots of fun that I hadn’t experienced before!

Vždycky jsem milovala mluvení a objevování nových věcí. Jakmile kliknu na nějakou osobu, konverzace bude pokračovat.

The plainest person in one's mind has the most complex of personalities underneath once you know them.

You do not have to be worried about being judged or misinterpreted at all. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting.

These days we were unable to stop exchanging letters, I learned a lot about where he lives, his culture and his people even from the smallest thing.

In the real world, I was a guy who didn't have a lot of friends. I was more of an introvert...


Začněte se spojovat s celým světem teď hned!

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