
Příběhy Slowly

Kamarádství, které najdete jen na Slowly

The platform has helped me see how similar we all are, regardless of our differences in beliefs, cultures or values...

For an eternity, I've been looking for a way to make pen pals...

A teď je tam, někde venku, žije svůj život. Upřímně, je to ta nejlepší věc, kterou jsem v životě zažil.

In the real world, I was a guy who didn't have a lot of friends. I was more of an introvert...

Sharing secrets, worries, fantasies and ambitions Bobak and me have become true friends and have since then never stopped writing letters to each other.

I find it hard to write a reply to him. So I used a translator application to translate letters and also write reply letters...


Začněte se spojovat s celým světem teď hned!

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