Brieffreundschaften, die man nur bei Slowly finden kann
Slowly hat nicht nur uns verbunden, sondern auch unser Leben und unsere Herzen...
This application helps to learn English and have friends from somewhere, teaches me to dare to think, communicate, socialize. besides this application teaches me to be patient.
Politisch gibt es keine guten Beziehungen, aber durch Slowly habe ich einige indische Freunde gewonnen. Ich freue mich, solch tiefgehende Gespräche mit ihnen zu führen.
Slowly is like a gift, it makes you see things 'Slowly' as the app itself is named, and it makes you appreciate every letter, every word...
She actually listened to what I had to say and think in times when real world colleagues and friends didn’t find the the time or care too...
This bond I share with him is special because he’s like a friend who is constantly supporting me on my new decisions, and motivating me throughout the week.