
Slowly Stories

Penpalships You Can Only Find on Slowly

I have found joy in celebrating and preserving the essence of my cultural roots through heartfelt exchanges.

Over time, the letters grew longer, more thoughtful, as we discovered shared passions for poetry, travel, and finding meaning in lifeโ€™s little nuances.

We are like stars, and each star is different from the others.

Hearing about so many peoples different experiences and outlooks on life, where they traveled to...

They speak of a world unfamiliar to me, but they gave me the key and showed me around.

I found people who are changing the way I see the world with their words, making me travel without leaving my place...

This unique platform transcends borders and language barriers, bringing people from diverse backgrounds together...

I thank her for showing me the part of Italy that you can't see in the pictures, the part that comes from the heart.

Get to know new cultures and mindsets and be aware that you can change lives with your words.

I discussed the former Soviet Union and the Orthodox Church with teachers from Russia, post-colonialism and new age architecture with students and artists from Africa...

I always wanted to travel, and Slowly for me was a means of travel.


Start connecting with the world now!

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