A girl who always wanted to be someone’s superhero but ended up as someone who really need a hero
I am turning 22 and if there’s one thing clear about who I am and what I want, it is that I love to hear the stories of people and gave them an advice when they need it. I don’t often interact with people in person which is why I ended up exploring different social app including this one— Slowly. After I saw this app on the Play Store it felt like I was suddenly trasported back to my past when I first dreamed of having a friend— someone I had never seen but I could connect through letters.
When I was in high school I remember my teacher told us to write a letter because he was going back to a foreign country and would give our letters to his students there. When I heard that, I was very happy because I thought that would be my chance to have a pen pal— to have a foreign friend. But I was wrong because no letter was returned to me. Until oneday, I find slowly.
Actually, this account is not my original account. Before I became Ramyel, I was Blue. To those people who became my friends in my first account I hope I had the chance to tell you how happy my heart was during those times we exchanged letters. I admit I can’t remember your usernames anymore but if there’s one thing I can still remember it is that most of you were from India. So, a big shout-out to all the Indian users of this app. I super duper appreciate your kindness and the good heart you have shown me, thank you.
Going back, it was the 29th of December when I accidentally met the man I didn’t expect that would become a big part of my life. I was deeply upset that time and in my letter I sent him, I was like a child asking for sympathy. A few hours after I send the letter that’s when I realized how childish my letter was. I was embarassed thinking what this person would think about me once he receive my message. Unexpectedly, he viewed my letter differently from how I thought he would perceive me.
Until now I still keep in touch with this person. We’ve even been brought to different apps just to stay connected. After months of talking here we moved to Telegram. It’s funny how we talk there. Guess what? We brought slowly there! Our messages are long just like here, and our responses take days or sometimes weeks too! Then, after more months we decided to move to Facebook since we both don’t use Telegram often. Here, our communication became more active and frequent. And, he finally met the person behind the letters. He saw me, but as for his appearance, it still remains a mystery to me.
To my dear friend, M, thank you. Thank you for staying after so many goodbyes. So far, you’re the only person I’ve met who can handle my crazy moods and dramas in life. Also, thank you for making me realize that bravery isn’t about fighting your battles alone, but about admitting that sometimes I need help too.
As what other people says, “stories become more beautiful when shared with others”. To someone reading this, challanges is part of our story, so why not share them with others? They might not just help you overcome it but also turn your situation today into a good memories that you will reminisce in the future.
Lastly, to Slowly, thank you very much. Thank you for giving us place where we can called HOME💙