
Histoires Slowly

Amitiés que vous ne trouverez que sur Slowly

Writing long and meaningful letters to my pen pals continues to fill my heart with inexplicable joy.

"J'ai choisi d'être gentille" - Ce sont les premiers mots que j'ai lu de mon incroyable correspondante.

Through the app I met my best friend and I love her more than the distance that separates us.

The feeling of excitement that rushes through my body when I see I'm gonna receive a letter is so bizarre.

Before, I was a girl who didn’t have a lot of friends and was mostly an introvert. Nevertheless, after I joined Slowly, I have lots of fun that I hadn’t experienced before!

I've always loved talking and finding out new things. Once I click with a certain person, the conversation will go on and on.

La personne la plus simple l'esprit a la personnalité la plus complexe en dessous, une fois que vous la connaissez.

You do not have to be worried about being judged or misinterpreted at all. Everyone is so welcoming and accepting.

These days we were unable to stop exchanging letters, I learned a lot about where he lives, his culture and his people even from the smallest thing.

En réalité, j’étais un gars qui n’avait pas beaucoup d’amis. Je me considérais comme étant introverti.


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