

🇵🇭 Philippines

I never thought I could make friends through sending letters ...

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🇲🇽 Mexico

SLOWLY, it definitely changed my life. It may sound like too much, but it is.

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🇮🇳 India

The beauty of this application is the "wait" when one sends a letter. This makes the bond stronger, makes us understand the value one invests in a penpalship and this takes the communication to the very next level. 

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🇮🇳 Inde

C'est mon histoire, celle de la compréhension et de l'acceptation de moi-même.

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🇸🇪 Sweden

I feel free, comfortable and confident. That rarely happens in real life when I'm talking to someone.

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🇺🇸 États-Unis

Après seulement une courte période de temps, j'ai vite réalisé que je n'étais pas si différente dans ce monde.

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🇧🇷 Brazil

One can most definitely make real and meaningful connections despite the distance or having a different cultural background.

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🇨🇦 Canada

The brief time I was able to glimpse into what life is like across the world has definitively changed who I am...

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🇮🇳 India

The feeling of excitement that rushes through my body when I see I'm gonna receive a letter is so bizarre.

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🇮🇩 Indonesia

This is a life full of twists and turns, because I think that life doesn't always go as straight as a horizontal line as imagined...

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🇷🇺 Russie

Les mots ont un tel pouvoir, surtout si vous y mettez du vôtre, comme Slowly nous demande de le faire. C'est magnifique.

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