
Slowly történetek

Levelezőtársak, amiket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz meg

It both helps me improve my language skills and the communication skills that I lack in real life.

Slowly became a magical place to me at internet.

Just like many other female citizen of third world country, I was treated like convicting any shameful act.

Egy francia srác vagyok aki Mongóliába tart a furgonjával.

Nemrég lettem diagnosztizálva jól működő autizmussal. Rosszul megy a másokkal való kommunikáció, és időnként visszafelé mondom a dolgokat.

Getting a digital letter feels like Christmas. Especially when the opposite pours their hearts content, while putting in effort to learn and understand you as well.

So, after a week of sending letters in Slowly, he asked me to meet up...

Without realizing, I got the “Serious writer” stamp for achieving 100 sent out letters...

Some people go to me to learn some French, and I teach them French with great pleasure!

Nem számítottam arra, hogy valaha is bárki úgy fog velem beszélni, mint ahogy az első levelezőtársam írt nekem.

Slowly showed me that you don't have to leave home to know the world, and people.

We both decided to share our unabridged stories from the first moments we met on the app. I told my story from my point of view and Danny from his.


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