
Slowly történetek

Barátságok, amelyeket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz

Even though I have no degree, nor professional courses, I'm here to share my story, my everyday...

While we often feel annoyed or anxious when people take forever to reply to our texts, on Slowly, taking forever is the point.

Letter to a Japanese Friend, Winter Solstice

Remembering a song by, maybe, the biggest singer from Argentina, José Larralde, he said: "I’ve been through all the world, in the same place..."

I was so happy that I went around the house saying "I RECEIVED A LETTER FROM JAPAN"

Our letters are long, drawn out paragraphs, about everything...

It is wonderful to make friends from a completely different part of the World and to see their country through their eyes.

Now I also have a big new dream to buy a ticket to South Korea and fly to Seoul to meet my awesome soulmate!

Túlzás nélkül mondhatom, hogy olyan különleges emberekre leltem itt, akik, ha rájuk gondolok melegséggel töltik el a szívemet, mosolyt csalnak az arcomra és megnevettetnek.

It's like finding Atlantis! I found a lot of nice people who share the same interests as I am.

It has connected not only us, but also our lives and hearts...

60 évvel idősebb nálam, de mégis találunk közös témákat, amiről egyetérthetünk és megoszthatjuk egymással.


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