Slowly történetek
Levelezőtársak, amiket csak a Slowly-n találhatsz meg
Ez az egyedülálló platform átlépi a határokat és nyelvi korlátokat, különböző háttérrel rendelkező embereket hozva össze...
I've experienced the most tiring struggle to socialize. The era of the internet doesn't guarantee interconnections, especially in most social media I use.
We grew up in a digital world so to speak. But I always feel like I was born in the wrong era!
While we often feel annoyed or anxious when people take forever to reply to our texts, on Slowly, taking forever is the point.
I even woke up as early as 5am in the morning, to reply his letter, so that we could utilize every hour of the day, and make 2 cycles within the 24 hours!