Cerita-cerita Slowly
Persahabatan yang Hanya Bisa Ditemukan di Slowly
Persahabatan kami berkelana dari “Salam Hangat” ke “Cinta yang melimpah”...
I think one day both of us will be Hemingway and sit on the same bus without recognising each other.
Ketika aku remaja, aku didiagnosa Autisme. Ini membuat Ibuku (begitupun aku yang beranjak dewasa) sangat dirundung kesedihan, mengetahui bahwa hal tersebut akan terasa sulit untuk berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi.
The platform has helped me see how similar we all are, regardless of our differences in beliefs, cultures or values...
For an eternity, I've been looking for a way to make pen pals...
Slowly is like a gift, it makes you see things 'Slowly' as the app itself is named, and it makes you appreciate every letter, every word...
At last, I found her. I waved at her through the window, our first meeting. We just stared each other for sometime and then I left...
Aku berjumpa dengan cinta dalam hidupku menggunakan Slowly...
She actually listened to what I had to say and think in times when real world colleagues and friends didn’t find the the time or care too...
And right now, she's out there, living her life. It was honestly one of the greatest things I've ever experienced in my life...
No she’s not my significant other, she’s not my best friend either. But she’s extremely special...
Saat aku mengaku padanya bahwa aku adalah Transgender, dia adalah satu-satunya yang melihatku sebagai diriku sejatinya, dia tidak melihat dari tubuhku melainkan benar-benar diriku yang sesungguhnya ...